My name is Moshchenskaia Mariia.

My passion for art comes from my siberian childhood. From an early age I was attracted by the nature of creation, handiwork and drawing. After high school I went to the Ural Art and Ar¬chitecture Academy graduating with a degree in graphic design. This period of time was full of experiments in art techniques, testing  new materials and learning graphic software for realization creative ideas. During my studying I took a great interest in video shooting.

At the end of my study at the Academy I started curating exhibitions of painting and graphics, exhibitions of contemporary visual art, within the creative association "Hikli".

In 2013 I started my art-journey to the south of Russia, Ukraine and India. Throughout this big trip I lead a creative diary, do sketches, creating macro-videos and short art-films, searching for new images, inspiration from nature and a difference in the cultural climate.
Some kind of summing up my art-journey became my project in residence for artists in Nepal.
My project was affecting the theme of human ecology, which includes social, natural and cultural factors.

Next few years continued with the comprehension and implementation ideas, which accumulated during my travel.

In 2016 year I was creating illustrations for the Khanty and Nenets tales. This project opened for me more deep knowledge of this topic, understanding the subtle differences of many aspects and features of the north culture.

2017 year began with my arrive to St. Petersburg, where I was keen on creating cartoons and  learning new digital technologies.